Saturday, 1 November 2008

UK PLC - A Basket Case (The Motley Fool)

house prices are slumping, banks are disappearing, the stock market is crashing, and we’re in recession. The UK is a basket case.

Mactaggart Heritable feels heat of slowdown (The Herald)
Mactaggart Heritable Holdings, the family property business of millionaire Labour MP Fiona Mactaggart, suffered another slide in profits last year as the global economy began to slip into a funk - but the group also said it was waiting for the market to deteriorate further before jumping on the acquisition trail.

Diligence due
The world property market seems an uncertain place today, with talk of some markets still booming and others falling ...

Bailout Bill Tax Provisions (Mondaq)
Over several frantic days leading up to a failed congressional vote on September 29, 2008, the Bush Administration and congressional leaders negotiated and agreed on a bill aimed at preventing a potential economic meltdown.

Pathfinders are working, claims CLG (InsideHousing)
In July the Public Accounts Committee warned that ‘demolition sites, rather than new build homes’ could be the legacy of the regeneration scheme. It also said it was unclear whether housing development in pathfinder areas was linked to the programme or to wider market conditions.

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