Saturday, 1 November 2008

Town’s future should not be jeopardised to suit Government’s plans - Reading Evening Post

In an effort to beat rising unemployment, as a consequence of the impending recession, the Government has suggested bringing forward major development projects. However, Reading ...

Busyness as usual?
With so much talk of the credit crunch affecting markets all over Europe, many would imagine France to be in line for...

Pathfinders are working, claims CLG (InsideHousing)
In July the Public Accounts Committee warned that ‘demolition sites, rather than new build homes’ could be the legacy of the regeneration scheme. It also said it was unclear whether housing development in pathfinder areas was linked to the programme or to wider market conditions.

Calls for more social housing in Weymouth and Portland - This is Dorset
A SOARING demand for social housing is not being met and could have a ‘disastrous’ effect on the region’s economy, a housing boss warned today. Kevin Dey, managing director ...

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