Friday, 14 November 2008

Tax & wills - Inheritance tax - This is Money

One positive factor that has emerged from the gloom of the economic turmoil is that it has presented a prize opportunity to mitigate inheritance tax. The collapse in the value of ...

Forced convergence of China and US - bbc
So how much of the US economy, the home of free enterprise, will end up being nationalised or bailed out by the state during the current economic crisis? So far we've seen banks ...

GO EAST - New York Post
If you'd been on a deserted island for the past year - and hadn't heard terms like "housing bubble," "credit crunch" and "Wall Street meltdown" - you might have thought all was ...

City jobless figures fall - Peterborough Evening Telegraph
THE number of jobless people in Peterborough slipped last month bucking the national trend. While new figures show the number of people without jobs across Britain has soared from ...

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