Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Pathfinders are working, claims CLG (InsideHousing)

In July the Public Accounts Committee warned that ‘demolition sites, rather than new build homes’ could be the legacy of the regeneration scheme. It also said it was unclear whether housing development in pathfinder areas was linked to the programme or to wider market conditions.
Source: www.insidehousing.co.uk

Greening USA
As everybody not currently residing on the lower slopes of Olympus Mons - or anywhere else on Mars - will know, votin...
Source: news.assetz.co.uk

Bargain USA
When the subprime crisis broke in the US, Florida and California were identified as two states in which the situation...
Source: news.assetz.co.uk

Building a new opportunity
The last few months have been a tough time for the housebuilding sector, with the fall in housing transactions leavin...
Source: news.assetz.co.uk

All about lifestyle
While French property has had plenty of attractions for British buyers, one may wonder what the attractions are for a...
Source: news.assetz.co.uk

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