Saturday, 27 September 2008

Fletcher King sees tough conditions persist (ShareCast via Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance)

London-based property fund and asset manager Fletcher King said tough market conditions persist with trading conditions remaining difficult, adding that it sees little chance of the market improving before mid-2009 at the earliest.

Private investors stay sitting on the hedge - Financial Times

Private investors stay sitting on the hedge
Financial Times, UK - 51 minutes ago
By Matthew Vincent Wealthy private investors have not rushed to sell out of funds of hedge funds (FoHFs), say brokers, in spite of the price falls seen in ...
Bid to unravel Lehman trades Times Online
all 3 news articles


France to hold up, say experts
With many overseas property markets stuttering, stagnating or simply spiralling downwards in the wake of the credit c...

(AFX UK Focus) 2008-09-11 11:02 HK Sun Hung Kai Props FY net up 30 pct on revaluation gain; core up 6 pct UPDATE (Interactive Investor)
HONG KONG (XFN-ASIA) - Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd said its year-to-June net profit was 27.60 bln hkd, up 30 pct from 21.23 bln hkd a year earlier, boosted by higher rental income and a huge revaluation gain on its investment properties.

Liberal Democrats in new interest rate plan
In a week when the headlines have been dominated by Lehman Brothers, AIG, the HBOS takeover by Lloyds TSB and the gen...

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